The Craziest Parental Tip You’ve Ever Heard

1 Month Joshua Callin the shots - The Craziest Parental Tip

1 Month Joshua Callin the shots – The Craziest Parental Tip

When you become a new parent, there are tips upon tips on how you should handle every confusing, frustrating and mind-blowing situation. However, I bet you have never received a tip like this…

Two weeks after bringing our son home from the hospital, I was a walking zombie. I was up every two to three hours, and sometimes more, for feedings, diaper changes, pumping and usual day-to-day duties.

As a first time mother, parental duties can be overwhelming. Especially, if your baby or babies are crying and you are having a hard time consoling them.

Two weeks after having my son, my mother-in-law came to visit from Georgia so I had the opportunity to slip out of the house and run a few day-errands. As I was climbing into my car, my neighbor asked me how things were going. I told her things were going o.k., but I was a little thrown by how much crying my son was doing.

Normally, this response would have prompted people to dig for reasons why the baby was crying. Nope, not my mother-of-the-earth neighbor. The first thing she asked was, “Do you record him crying?” My response… “What? I’m sorry, what was that?” She repeated, “Do you record him crying?” I could feel a world of questions surfacing from within me. I replied, “No. Is that some kind of technique to soothe him later?”

She advised me that I should record his little voice because before I know it, he will be two, then five then a teenager and etc. She said, “Children grow so fast. Someday, you will want to remember these moments and remember the essence of him as a tiny baby.”

I smiled and said, “Oh I see,” but as I drove off, I thought, “Yeah right! There is no way I want to remember him screaming his head off and the flustered feeling I feel when I can’t console him and I’m operating on 0.25 hours of sleep.

Now, my son is almost two and half years old. My husband and I are definitely ready for baby number two and needless to say, I’ve got a little baby fever. I often find myself looking back at my son’s infant pictures and wish I had not just recorded his tummy-time, rolling over moments or recurring hiccups, but also the moments where he was crying for Mommy or Daddy to soothe him.

Now that he’s talking, we can easily record his voice, but during early infancy, the easiest way we could have captured his voice would have been during those crazy moments of tears…tears from baby and some times from mommy 🙂

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