Pregnancy Week by Week

Pregnancy can be such an exciting, joyous and amazing experience. I know it was for me! While I was pregnant, I looked forward to reading or watching a video about what I would be experiencing each week.

As soon as I got done with one video, I had to practice self-control and not watch the following week’s video until I was another week into my pregnancy. In addition to the text notifications I received from the BabyCenter app, I had a couple of go-to videos that kept me in the know regarding my baby’s development each week.

I’ve done you a favor and organized each video right here on the BeaCea Mamas website. Go to our Pregnancy Week by Week page and you will find YouTube videos from Healthguru and PregnancyChat.com.

I hope you enjoy and congratulations on your little one!


Homemade Pizza

Homemade Pizza

Have fun making your own pizza and let the kids join in. Don’t forget, there are healthy options.
Ingredients used:
1. Contadina pizza sauce
2. Mama Mary’s pizza crust
3. Tomato
4. Spinach
5. Shredded mozzarella


A Birthday Story

by Joy Beatie


Little Joshua’s birthday is coming up soon. His Mommy and Daddy are so excited, but Joshua doesn’t understand why. Spend time with Joshua as he comes to understand what a birthday is and why it’s so grand.

We are so happy to announce that this story is a BeaCea Mamas original animated story. Please enjoy!