Superfood Pops

In this episode, we show you a great way to get your kids to eat their veggies without a fight. We call it “Superfood Pops!”

Superfood Pop Recipe

Frozen mixed fruit (strawberries, peaches, pineapple, mango)



Baby Carrots


Fat-free yogurt (about 3 ounces of your favorite flavor)

Apple Juice &/or Orange Juice


The Talk

by Marie Ceaser

The Talk

Photo courtesy of VickiHoefle.com

So Leila, my 6 ½ year old, has been asking me questions like what is her “front area” called and why her brother’s looks different! She asked me about a year ago how she and her brother got in my belly when they were babies and more recently why her boobs were flat and mine are not!

Of course, I answer these questions as gently as I can to keep her as innocent for as long as possible, but now she is going to the first grade and she asking more and more questions like when is she going to get married and how will she know who she is supposed to choose! To me, these questions seem so deep for a 6 ½ year old, but eventually, I am going to have to answer her.

My husband and I have gone back and forth about what is an appropriate age to talk about the topic of babies, sex, and puberty. Of course, we’ve had the stranger danger talk and explained that no one is to touch your private areas for any reason!!!! That talk was hard enough!

So we want to hear from you. What age do you consider “old enough” for the talk and how detailed do you believe it should be?

If you are as clueless as we are, here is a great reference video from CafeMoms Studios.


The Home Depot Builds Minds

By Joy Beatie

The first Saturday of each month, Home Depot takes the focus off of building homes and embraces the concept of building minds.

Each month, the home improvement store offers a FREE educational, hands-on workshop to children ages 5 to 12-years-old. However, the projects are simple enough for children younger than 5-years-old as long as a parent is there to supervise.

Last month, Home Depot associate, Ms. Karen, saw over 100 children benefit from the Pencil Box workshop just in time for the Back to School season.

According to Ms. Karen, for each workshop a child completes, they receive a badge to pin to their complementary apron received on their first visit.

Ms. Karen said the workshops are an opportunity to have fun and feel welcomed.

The next workshop will be held on Saturday, September 6th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Children will follow the yellow brick road and learn how to build a Wizard of Oz birdhouse.

Walk-ins are welcome but make sure to register at www.homedepot.com to ensure your spot. If you are unable to make the workshop at the first of the month, Home Depot offers a follow-up session for walk-ins on the third Saturday of the month.