Making Old Toys New

When I found out my first child was a boy, the response from everyone was, “Uh oh! You are gonna be busy. Boys are active.” I thought to myself, “Good. It will probably help me to lose some of this baby weight I’ve gained.” It wasn’t until around the time Joshua turned one that I could really see what everyone was talking about.

One Saturday, it was just Joshua and Mommy time all day while Daddy got some office work done. We started the day out as we normally do with breakfast and an hour of t.v. time while I organize my day. Joshua seemed like he had oodles of energy so I let him enjoy his independent playtime until he couldn’t play anymore. After an hour of playing with every toy he had, he sat down and looked up at me like, “What do we do now?” I said, “Let’s go for a walk.”

We took a walk around the neighborhood, played at the park and returned home as two tired Beaties. I thought for sure this would be a great three hour nap day. Nope! After an hour of shut-eye, Joshua was ready to hit the ground running. However, this time, he wanted nothing to do with his toys. I would hand him one of his favorite toys and he would just throw it down. There it was again…that look. “Mommy, what are we going to do now.” I looked at my son and said, “Joshua, let’s go shopping. You need some more toys.”

Two hours and $40 later, Joshua was done playing with his new toys and was giving me the look…again. This time, I gave HIM a look…”We gonna have to try somethin’ new.” This is when I decided to start interchanging the toys made available to my active little boy. I found that interchanging his toys always keeps the spark alive. So this is how it’s done. Every week (or whatever frequency you determine is best), allow your child to have a certain amount of his or her toys. Set the other toys out of reach for that week. The next week, swap the toys. Your child will light up like they’ve received a new toy. Try it, and let us know how it works for you.


2 thoughts on “Making Old Toys New

  1. We have been doing it for a while, I also think they may get overstimulated by too many at one time. Very familiar what you do, same here, we devided toys into education, initial baby toys, and fun stuff (cars and such), every day or so we select and return 1 for 1. I add more old chewies when teeth itch, otherwise he will find something. Nice post.

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